Thomas your English is so good. How did you learn it?
トーマス、英語が上手ね。どうやって勉強したの? volume_up
Well, in my country everyone has to take English starting in the first grade. I've been taking English courses for 12 years now.
だって、僕の国ではみんな一年生の時から英語を勉強しなくちゃ行けないんだ。もう12年も英語のコースをとってるよ。 volume_up
Wow, that's interesting. I remember when we took that trip last year and visited your family. It seemed like there weren't many people that could speak with me in English.
へえ、知らなかった。だって、去年一緒に旅行してトーマスの家族に会った時、私と英語で話せる人は少なかったみたいだけど。 volume_up
Oh, that's because they don't speak English that much.
だって、あんまり英語を話さないからね。 volume_up
But they speak it in school, right? Maybe they just didn't like me so they didn't want to talk to me.
でも、学校では英語を話すんでしょ。私を好きじゃなかったから、私とは話したくなかったとか。 volume_up
No, actually they liked you a lot. They told me they thought you were very nice. They are just shy. They're not use to talking with foreigners. I remember when I first came to the U.S. I was really nervous about speaking with people.
それは違うよ、皆君の事大好きだったよ。とってもいい人だって言ってた。ただ恥ずかしいだけだよ。外国人と話すの、慣れてないから。僕だってアメリカに始めて来たとき、人と話すのとっても緊張したの、覚えてる。 volume_up
I see. I thought there were lots of Americans teaching English in your country.
そうなの。トーマスの国ではアメリカ人がたくさん英語を教えてるって思った。 volume_up
Yes, that's true. There are probably twice as many now as there were five years ago, but they are mostly in the cities. My family lives in the country.
それは、そう。5年前と比べると2倍は要ると思う。でも、ほとんどが都会に住んでて、僕の家族はは田舎だから。 volume_up
I wonder why. Personally I prefer the country to the city. It's so quiet and peaceful. If I were to teach, I would want to teach in the country.
どうしてかなあ。私は都会より田舎が好きだけど。静かで平和じゃない。もし教えるんだったら、私は田舎に住むわ。 volume_up
Do you think you would want to teach someday? I know the schools around my town are looking for teachers, so if you want I can call them and get more information.
いつか教えたいと思う?僕の町の辺りの学校では先生探してるよ。もし欲しいなら、電話してもっと情報をもらってあげるよ。 volume_up
No, I don't think so. I would need to stay there for a year, and I don't think I can take that much time off work.
ううん、しないと思う。1年はそこに住まなくちゃいけないでしょ。仕事をそんなに休めない。 volume_up
Well, if you change your mind, let me know. I think you would be a really great teacher.
そうか。でも気が変わったら教えて。きっととてもいい先生になると思うから。 volume_up