Your English is so good.
Lesson 97 Level 3
Your English is so good.
Tu ingles esta muy bien.

Velocidad normal:

Velocidad lenta:

Nombre Inglés / Español Lento Normal

Thomas your English is so good. How did you learn it?

Thomas, tu Ingles es muy bueno. Como lo aprendiste?


Well, in my country everyone has to take English starting in the first grade. I've been taking English courses for 12 years now.

Bueno, en mi pais todos tenemos que estudiar ingles empezando desde el pimer grado. He estado tomando cursos de ingles desde que tenia doce anos.


Wow, that's interesting. I remember when we took that trip last year and visited your family. It seemed like there weren't many people that could speak with me in English.

Guau, que interesante. Recuerdo cuando tomamos un viaje el ano pasado y visitamos a tu familia. Parecia que no habia mucha gente que pudiera hablar Ingles conmigo.


Oh, that's because they don't speak English that much.

Ah, eso es porque ellos no hablan en ingles mucho.


But they speak it in school, right? Maybe they just didn't like me so they didn't want to talk to me.

Pero hablan ingles en la escuela, verdad? Tal vez no les cai bien y no querian hablar conmigo.


No, actually they liked you a lot. They told me they thought you were very nice. They are just shy. They're not use to talking with foreigners. I remember when I first came to the U.S. I was really nervous about speaking with people.

No es verdad, les caiste muy bien. Me han dicho que pensaban que eras muy simpatico. Es que son timidos. No estan acostumbrados a hablar con extranjeros. Me acuerdo cuando yo vine a los Estados Unidos por la primera vez. Yo tambien estaba muy nervioso de


I see. I thought there were lots of Americans teaching English in your country.

Entiendo. pensaba que habian muchos Americanos esnesando ingles en tu pais.


Yes, that's true. There are probably twice as many now as there were five years ago, but they are mostly in the cities. My family lives in the country.

Si, es cierto, tal vez ahora haya el doble que hace cinco anos, pero la mayoria estan en las ciudades. Mi familia vive en el campo.


I wonder why. Personally I prefer the country to the city. It's so quiet and peaceful. If I were to teach, I would want to teach in the country.

Me pregunto por que. Personalmente, yo prefiero el campo a la ciudad. Es tan tranquilo y pacifico. Si yo ensenara, me gustaria ensenar en el campo.


Do you think you would want to teach someday? I know the schools around my town are looking for teachers, so if you want I can call them and get more information.

Tu crees que te gustaria ensenar alguin dia? Se que algunas escuelas por mi pueblo estan buscando maestros, asi que si quieres, les puedo llamar y pedir informacion.


No, I don't think so. I would need to stay there for a year, and I don't think I can take that much time off work.

No, creo que no. Necesitaria quedarme alli un ano, y no creo que podria dejar el trabajo por tanto tiempo.


Well, if you change your mind, let me know. I think you would be a really great teacher.

Bueno, si cambias de idea, dejame saber. Creo que serias un buen profesor.