A romantic story.
Lesson 81 Level 3
A romantic story.
Un cuento romantico.

Velocidad normal:

Velocidad lenta:

Nombre Inglés / Español Lento Normal

Betty, are you and John still dating?

Betty, tu y John todavia estais saliendo?

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Yeah, things are going really good.

Si, las cosas van muy bien.

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Where did you meet him?

Donde lo conociste?

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I met him at the library a couple of weeks ago. We were sitting at the same table and he asked to borrow my pen.

Lo conoci' en la biblioteca hace un par de semanas. Estabamos sentados en la misma mesa y el me pidio' prestada mi pluma.

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Wow, that's a nice story.

Guau, es un historia bonita.

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I was telling Jim about it the other day. He thought it was pretty romantic.

Se lo estaba contando a Jim el otro dia. El cree que fue muy romantico.

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Do you two have plans for tonight?

Teneis planes para esta noche?

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Yes, I think we're going to rent a movie. Have you seen anything good lately?

Si, creo que vamos a alquilar una pelicula. Has visto algo bueno ultimamente?

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I saw Spider-Man the other day.

Vi "el hombre arana" el otro dia.

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I've heard that's a really funny movie.

Oi que es una pelicula muy graciosa.

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Are you kidding? That movie's not funny. It's sad. I was crying at the end.

En serio? Esa pelicula no es graciosa. Es triste. Estaba llorando al final.

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You're really sensitive, aren't you?

Eres muy sensible, verdad?

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I guess so. Maybe that's why I can't find a girlfriend.

Supongo que si. Tal vez es por eso que no puedo encontrar una novia.

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