Book club.
Lesson 100 Level 3
Book club.
Circulo de lectores.

Velocidad normal:

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Nombre Inglés / Español Lento Normal

Hey John, can I talk to you for a minute?

Hey John, puedo hablar contigo un momento?

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Sure, what's up?

Claro. Que pasa?

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I wanted to let you know about a book club I joined a couple months ago. I know you do a lot of reading so I thought you might want to come with me next month.

Queria decirte de un circulo de lectores en la cual me me he metido hace un par de meses. Se' que lees mucho y pense' que tal vez quisieras venir conmigo el proximo mes.

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Oh, that sounds like fun. When does the group meet?

Oh, parece divertido. Donde se reune el grupo?

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Usually the last Saturday of the month at 9:30 in the evening. Is that too late for you?

Normalmente el ultimo sabado del mes a las nueve y media de la noche. Es demasiado tarde para ti?

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No, I think that's ok. What do you talk about in the group?

No, creo que esta bien. De que hablan en el grupo?

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Well, every month we choose a new book and then during the next meeting we discuss it.

Bueno, cada mes elegimos un libro nuevo y despues durante la siguiente reunion lo discutimos.

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What book are you reading now?

Que libro estas leyendo ahora?

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The Kite Runner.

"El corredor de cometas"

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I've heard that's a good book. What's it about?

He oido que eso es un buen libro. De que se trata?

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It is a good book. I'm almost finished. The book is about a boy who grows up in Afghanistan during the 1980s. It's called the Kite Runner because the main character takes part in a kite flying competition.

Es un buen libro, ya casi lo he terminado. Es de un nino que crece en Afganistan durante 1980. Se llama el corredor de Cometas porque el personaje principal toma parte en una competencia de cometas voladores.

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That sounds really interesting. I'd love to come.

Parece muy interesante. Me encantaria venir.

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Ok, great. The next meeting isn't for another two weeks, so you still have time to read the book.

Ok, excelente. La proxima reunion no es para dos semanas, asi que aun tienes tiempo de leer el libro.

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