Did you see the news today?
Lesson 93 Level 3
Did you see the news today?
Viste las noticias hoy?

Velocidad normal:

Velocidad lenta:

Nombre Inglés / Español Lento Normal

John, did you see the news today?

John, ?viste las noticias hoy?

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No, what happened?

No, que ha pasado?

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There was a big earthquake in San Diego.

Ha habido un terremoto grande en San Diego.

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Oh my goodness.

Oh Dios mio.

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The president was on the news talking about it earlier.

El presidente estaba en las noticias antes, hablando de eso.

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Was anyone hurt?

?Hubo alguien herido?

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I think they said two people were killed.

Creo que dijeron que dos personas han muerto.

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Oh, that's terrible.

Oh, eso es terrible.

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Yeah, I can't believe you hadn't heard about it. They were talking about it on CNN all day.

Si, no puedo creer que no hayas oido de eso. Estaban hablando de eso en CNN todo el dia.

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Oh, I don't watch TV that often.

Ah, no suelo ver la television mucho.

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Don't you watch the news?

No ves las noticias?

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No, I usually read the news online, but I haven't had time to turn on my computer today.

No, normalmente leo las noticias en el internet, pero no he tenido tiempo de encender mi ordenador hoy.

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