Jim cancelled the meeting.
Lesson 78 Level 3
Jim cancelled the meeting.
Jim suspendio' la reunion.

Velocidad normal:

Velocidad lenta:

Nombre Inglés / Español Lento Normal

Hey, I just talked to Jim.

Chao, acabo de hablar con Jim.

volume_up volume_up

What did he say?

Que ha dicho?

volume_up volume_up

He said he had to cancel the meeting this afternoon.

Ha dicho que tenia que cancelar la reunion esta tarde.

volume_up volume_up

Oh, I see.

Ah, ya veo.

volume_up volume_up

Is there a problem?

Hay algun problema?

volume_up volume_up

No, It's not a big deal. He and I were supposed to talk to some new customers today.

No, no es una gran cosa. Se suponia que el y yo teniamos que hablar con algunos clientes nuevos hoy.

volume_up volume_up

Sorry to hear that.

Siento escuchar eso.

volume_up volume_up

It's OK. This has been happening quite a bit recently.

Esta bien. Esto ha estado pasando mucho ultimamente.

volume_up volume_up

That's strange. I wonder why?

Que extrano. Me pregunto por que?

volume_up volume_up

His wife has been sick, so sometimes he has to go home early to take care of her.

Su esposa ha estado enferma, asi que algunas veces tiene que irse temprano a casa a cuidarla.

volume_up volume_up

I see. How's work been going?

Ya veo. Como ha estado el trabajo?

volume_up volume_up

Things are slow right now. Would you mind if I borrow your phone, mine's out of batteries and I have to call my boss to tell him about this.

Las cosas van despacio ahora. Te molesta si uso tu telefono, el mio no tiene bateria y tengo que llamar a mi jefe para decirselo.

volume_up volume_up

OK, let me go get it. Its in the car.

Ok, dejame ir a por el. Esta en mi coche.

volume_up volume_up