The supermarket is closed.
Lesson 21 Level 1
The supermarket is closed.
El supermercado esta cerrado.

Velocidad normal:

Velocidad lenta:

Nombre Inglés / Español Lento Normal

Jeff, I'm going to the supermarket. Do you want to come with me?

Jeff, voy al supermercado. Quieres venir conmigo?

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I think the supermarket is closed now.

Creo que el supermercado esta cerrado ahora.

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Oh, When does it close?

Oh, a que hora cierra?

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It closes at 7:00 on Sundays.

Cierra a las siete los Domingos.

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That's too bad.

Que mal.

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Don't worry, we can go tomorrow morning. It opens at 8:00.

No te preocupes, podemos ir manana por la manana. Abre a las ocho.

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Alright. What do you want to do now?

Vale. Que quierers hacer ahora?

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Lets take a walk for a half an hour. My sister will get here at about 8:30PM and then we can all go out to dinner.

Vamos a caminar por media hora.Mi hermana llegara' sobre las 8 ocho y media y despues podemos ir todos a cenar fuera.

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Where does she live?

Donde vive ella?

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She lives in San Francisco.

Vive en San Franciso.

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How long has she lived there?

Por cuanto tiempo ha vivido alli?

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I think she's lived there for about 10 years.

Creo que ha vivido ahi por cerca de diez anos.

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That's a long time. Where did she live before that?

Eso es mucho tiempo. Donde vivia antes de eso?

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San Diego.

En San Diego.

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