Finding a convenience store.
Lesson 37 Level 2
Finding a convenience store.
Encontrando un mercado.

Velocidad normal:

Velocidad lenta:

Nombre Inglés / Español Lento Normal

Pam, where's the closest ATM?

Pam, donde esta el cajero automatico mas cercano?

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It's not that far. Do you see that Yellow building over there?

No esta tan lejos. Ves ese edificio amarillo de alla?

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The big one or the small one?

El grande o el pequeno?

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The big one.

El grande.

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It's right next to it, on the right.

Esta al lado de eso, a la derecha.

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Do you know if there's a convenience store around here?

Sabes si hay una tienda de abarrotes por aqui?

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I don't think there's one around here. The closest one is on 3rd street, but that's probably closed now.

No creo que haya una por aqui. La mas cercana esta en la calle tercera, pero seguramente esta cerrado ahora.

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I really need to get some things before I leave.

Verdaderamente necesito algunas cosas antes de irme.

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Well, you could go down to 22nd street. There are lot of stores down there that are open 24 hours a day.

Bueno, podrias ir a la calle veintidos. Alli hay muchas tiendas que estan abiertas las veinticuatro horas del dia.

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Can I take the subway to get there?

Puedo tomar el metro para ir alli?

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Yes, but that'll probably take about half an hour. You should just take a cab.

Si, pero seguramente va a tarda cerca de media hora. Deberias tomar un taxi.

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Won't that be expensive?

No sera' muy caro?

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No, from here I think it's only about 5 dollars.

No, creo que solo son como cinco dolares.

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