Do you know the address?
Lesson 17 Level 1
Do you know the address?
Conoces la direccion?

Velocidad normal:

Velocidad lenta:

Nombre Inglés / Español Lento Normal

Excuse me. Do you know how to get to the mall?

Perdona. Sabes como llegar al centro comercial?

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Sure, I used to work there. Go straight for about a mile, then turn left at the light. The mall will be on the right.

Si. Trabajaba alli. Ve recto como una milla, luego gira a la izquierda al semaforo. El centro comercial estara' a la derecha.

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Do you know the address?

?Sabe la direccion (usted)?

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Yes, the address is 541 Main street.

Si, la direccion es Calle Main numero Quinientos cuarenta y uno.

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Can you write it down for me please?

?Me lo podria anotar por favor?

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No problem.

No hay problema.

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Is it faster if I take Highland avenue?

?Es mas facil si tomo la avenida Highland?

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No, that way is longer. There are more stop lights on that street.

No, por ese camino es mas largo.Hay mas semaforos en esa calle.

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I think you're right. Thank you.

Creo que tienes razon. Graias.

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