Lesson 98 Level 3

Velocidad normal:

Velocidad lenta:

Nombre Inglés / Español Lento Normal

Dorothy what are your plans for Christmas?

Dorothy, cuales son tus planes para la Navidad?


Oh yes, it's almost Christmas, isn't it. I'm not sure what I'll be doing then.

Ah si, ya casi es Navidad, no? No estoy segura de que voy a hacer.


Well, if you don't have any plans, you family could have dinner at my house.

Bueno, si no tienes planes, tu familia podria venir a cenar a mi casa.


That's very nice of you, thanks. Have you finished your shopping yet?

Eso es muy amable de tu parte, gracias. Ya terminaste de hacer tus compras?


No, I still have to do that. I think I'll go to the mall this weekend.

No, aun tengo que hacer eso. Creo que ire' al centro comercial este fin de semana.


It's going to be really crowded at the mall. You should shop online.

Va a estar muy lleno de personas. Deberias de comprar con el internet.


You're right. My family loves to read, so I can probably get them all presents from

Tienes razon. A mi familia le encanta leer, asi que probablemente les puedo conseguir sus regalos de


What do you think you'll get for your wife?

Que crees que vas a regalar a tu esposa?


Probably a romance novel. It seems like she's always reading one of those.

Probablemnete una novela rosa. Parece que siempre esta leyendo una de esas.


Don't you think you should get her something a little more expensive, like jewelry or maybe a new computer?

No crees que deberias regalarle algo un poco mas caro, como joyeria o tal vez un ordenador nuevo?


Maybe you're right. It's hard buying gifts. I think my wife has everything she wants. Maybe I should just ask her.

Quizas tienes razon. Es dificil comprar regalos. Creo que mi esposa tiene todo lo que quiere.Tal vez se lo deberia preguntar.