Lesson 98 Level 3

Kecepatan yang normal:

Kecepatan lambat:

Nama Inggris / Bahasa Indonesia Lambat Normal

Dorothy what are your plans for Christmas?

Dorothy apa rencana Anda untuk Natal?

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Oh yes, it's almost Christmas, isn't it. I'm not sure what I'll be doing then.

Oh ya, hampir Natal ya. Saya belum pasti mau buat apa.

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Well, if you don't have any plans, you family could have dinner at my house.

Kalau Anda belum punya rencana, keluarga Anda bisa makan malam bersama di rumah saya.

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That's very nice of you, thanks. Have you finished your shopping yet?

Anda baik sekali, terima kasih. Apakah Anda sudah selesai berbelanja?

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No, I still have to do that. I think I'll go to the mall this weekend.

Belum, saya masih harus buat itu. Saya akan ke mal akhir minggu ini.

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It's going to be really crowded at the mall. You should shop online.

Pasti ramai sekali di mal. Anda sebaiknya berbelanja online.

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You're right. My family loves to read, so I can probably get them all presents from

Anda betul. Keluarga saya senang membaca jadi saya mungkin bisa membelikan mereka hadiah dari

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What do you think you'll get for your wife?

Apa yang akan Anda berikan untuk istri Anda?

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Probably a romance novel. It seems like she's always reading one of those.

Mungkin novel romantis. Kelihatannya dia selalu membaca salah satu jenis itu.

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Don't you think you should get her something a little more expensive, like jewelry or maybe a new computer?

Tidakkah Anda berpikir untuk memberikannya sesuatu yang agak lebih mahal, seperti perhiasan atau mungkin komputer yang baru?

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Maybe you're right. It's hard buying gifts. I think my wife has everything she wants. Maybe I should just ask her.

Mungkin Anda benar. Sulit membeli hadiah. Saya kira istri saya punya semua yang dia mau. Mungkin saya sebaiknya tanya dia saja.

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