Do you know how to get downtown?
Lesson 92 Level 3
Do you know how to get downtown?
Anda tahu bagaimana jalan menuju pusat kota?

Kecepatan yang normal:

Kecepatan lambat:

Nama Inggris / Bahasa Indonesia Lambat Normal

Hi George, do you know how to get downtown?

Hai George, Anda tahu mana jalan ke pusat kota?


Sure. Why are you going there?

Tentu saja. Kenapa mau ke sana?


I want to buy a new computer.

Saya mau membeli komputer baru.


OK, are you driving?

Oke, Anda mengemudi?





Go straight down this road. When you get to the second light, take a left. Then get on the highway and take exit 52.

Jalan lurus saja di jalan ini. Ketika Anda sampai di lampu merah kedua, belok kiri. Kemudian masuk jalan tol dan ambil jalan keluar nomor lima puluh dua.


That sounds really complicated. Can you tell me again? Which road do I take first?

Kedengarannya rumit. Tolong jelaskan lagi? Jalan mana yang saya harus ambil pertama?


You go down this road, then at the second light turn left. That road is "Main street."

Anda jalan di jalan ini, kemudian di lampu merah yang kedia belok kiri. Jalan itu namanya "Main street".


OK, I think I've got it now.

Oke, saya kira saya mengerti sekarang.


Why are you buying a new computer anyway? Didn't you just get one a few months ago?

Kenapa Anda membeli komputer yang baru? Bukankah Anda baru saja dapat satu beberapa bulan yang lalu?


Yes, but it doesn't work anymore.

Ya, tapi komputernya tidak jalan lagi.


Where did you buy it?

Di mana Anda beli komputer itu?


At Wal-Mart.

Di Wal-Mart.


I think you're computer should still be under warranty. You can bring it back to them and they'll fix it for free.

Seharusnya komputer Anda masih di bawah garansi. Anda bisa bawa ke mereka dan minta diperbaiki tanpa dipungut bayaran.


I think you're right. I didn't think about that. I should go talk to them about it. Where is the closest Wal-Mart?

Saya kira Anda betul. Saya tidak terpikir ke arah sana. Saya harus bilang mereka. Di mana Wal-Mart yang terdekat, ya?


It's about 2 blocks from here. I have to go there to get some stuff now anyway. Do you want to follow me?

Sekitar dua blok dari sini. Saya memang harus ke sana untuk membeli beberapa barang. Mau ikut saya?



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