Nama | Inggris / Bahasa Indonesia | Lambat | Normal |
Receptionist: |
Good afternoon, how may I help you? Selamat sore, ada yang bisa saya bantu? |
Ryan: |
Hi, I'd like to order some flowers. Hai, saya mau pesan beberapa bunga. |
Receptionist: |
Bunganya untuk siapa? |
Ryan: |
They're for my Wife. Her name is Samantha. Untuk istri saya. Namanya Samantha. |
Receptionist: |
What kind of flowers would you like? Bunga jenis apa yang Anda mau? |
Ryan: |
I don't know. I don't know too much about flowers. Can you recommend something? Saya kurang tahu. Saya tidak tahu banyak tentang bunga. Bisa menyarankan sesuatu? |
Receptionist: |
OK. What's the reason you are sending her flowers? Oke. Apa alasan Anda mengirim bunga? |
Ryan: |
Today's her birthday and she told me she wants me to buy her flowers. Hari ini ulang tahunnya dan dia bilang kalau dia ingin saya membelikannya bunga. |
Receptionist: |
Do you know what kind of flowers she likes? Anda tahu jenis bunga apa yang dia suka? |
Ryan: |
I'm not sure. I know I should know that, but I can't remember right now. Saya kurang yakin. Saya tahu tapi sekarang tidak bisa ingat. |
Receptionist: |
Well, they're for your wife, so I think you should give her roses. Bunganya untuk istri Anda, jadi saya kira sebaiknya Anda berikan mawar saja. |
Ryan: |
Mawar juga bagus. |
Receptionist: |
Warna apa? |
Ryan: |
Saya kira merah pasti bagus. |
Receptionist: |
Do you want to pick them up or should we deliver them? Apakah Anda mau ambil sendiri atau kami antar? |
Ryan: |
Apakah Anda bisa antar? |
Receptionist: |
Alamatnya apa? |
Ryan: |
241 Main Street |