Looking at vacation pictures.
Lesson 44 Level 2
Looking at vacation pictures.
Melihat foto-foto liburan

Kecepatan yang normal:

Kecepatan lambat:

Nama Inggris / Bahasa Indonesia Lambat Normal

Jim, I heard you took a trip to San Diego. Is that right?

Jim, saya dengar Anda pergi ke San Diego. Betul?

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Yeah, I just got back this morning.

Ya, saya baru saja kembali pagi ini.

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That sounds really nice. What did you do there?

Kedengarannya menyenangkan. Apa yang Anda lakukan di sana?

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Well, we were only there for three days, so we didn't do too much. We went shopping and went out to dinner a few times. At night we walked around the city with some friends.

Kami di sana hanya tiga hari, jadi tidak banyak yang dilakukan. Kami pergi berbelanja dan pergi makan malam beberapa kali. Kami jalan-jalan di kota pada waktu malam dengan beberapa teman.

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Did you take any pictures?

Apakah Anda mengambil foto?

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Yes, I have them with me. Do you want to look at them?

Ya, saya punya foto-fotonya di sini. Anda mau lihat?

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Sure, I love looking at photos.

Tentu saja, saya senang lihat foto.

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This one is of my wife and me on the beach, and this one is our daughter Emily standing next to my wife.

Ini foto saya dan istri di pantai, dan yang ini Emily, anak perempuan kami, sedang berdiri di samping istri saya.

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Your daughter looks like her mother.

Anak perempuan Anda mirip dengan ibunya.

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I know, they look very similar.

Saya tahu, mereka mirip sekali.

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Where was this picture taken?

Di mana foto ini diambil?

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That was taken at the train station before we left.

Itu diambil di stasiun kereta api sebelum kami berangkat.

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Did you have time to go to the zoo?

Apakah Anda sempat ke kebun binatang?

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No, not this time. We went there last time.

Tidak, kali ini tidak. Kami pergi waktu yang lalu.

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It looks like you all had a nice time.

Kelihatannya kalian punya waktu yang menyenangkan.

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Yeah, it was a lot of fun.

Ya, itu benar-benar menyenangkan.

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