Shopping for a friend.
Lesson 87 Level 3
Shopping for a friend.
Berbelanja untuk teman

Kecepatan yang normal:

Kecepatan lambat:

Nama Inggris / Bahasa Indonesia Lambat Normal

I'm going shopping. Do you want to come?

Saya mau pergi berbelanja. Anda mau ikut?

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I thought you went shopping yesterday.

Saya pikir Anda pergi berbelanja kemarin.

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I did, but an old friend called me last night and invited me to his birthday party. I need to buy a gift for him.

Saya pergi, tapi seorang teman lama menelepon tadi malam dan mengundang saya ke pesta ulang tahunnya. Saya perlu membeli hadiah untuk dia.

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I see. What are you going to get him?

Oh begitu. Anda mau beli apa untuk dia?

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I really have no idea what he likes. I haven't seen him in a long time. What do you think?

Saya kurang tahu apa yang dia suka. Sudah lama saya tidak bertemu dia. Menurut Anda apa, ya?

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Maybe a cake?

Mungkin kue?

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Well, that's a good idea, but I think I should probably get him something else, like something he can wear.

Itu ide yang bagus, tapi saya pikir saya harus berikan dia sesuatu yang lain, sesuatu yang dia bisa pakai.

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How about a sweater? I saw a really nice one in the mall the other day. Maybe we can go there and take a look.

Bagaimana kalau sweater? Saya lihat sweater yang bagus sekali waktu itu. Mungkin kita bisa pergi ke sana dan lihat.

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OK, what store was it in?

Oke, di toko yang mana?

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It was at Macy's. I think they're having a sale this weekend.

Di Macy's. Saya kira mereka punya potongan harga akhir minggu ini.

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Oh, that's a really nice store. I like the clothes there.

Oh, itu toko yang bagus sekali. Saya suka pakaian di sana.

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