Shopping for a friend.
Lesson 87 Level 3
Shopping for a friend.
친구를 위한 쇼핑

정상 속도:

느린 속도:

이름 영어 / 한국어 느린 표준

I'm going shopping. Do you want to come?

쇼핑하러 갈건데 같이 갈래요?


I thought you went shopping yesterday.

어제 쇼핑하러 갔다 온지 알았는데


I did, but an old friend called me last night and invited me to his birthday party. I need to buy a gift for him.

갔었어요. 그런데 내 오랜 친구가 전화해서 그 생일 파티에 초대했어요. 그래서 선물을 좀 사려구요.


I see. What are you going to get him?

아 그래요? 뭘 살거예요?


I really have no idea what he likes. I haven't seen him in a long time. What do you think?

사실 뭘 좋아할지 모르겠어요. 오랫동안 안 만났거든요. 뭐 생각나는 것 있어요?


Maybe a cake?

케익이 어때요?


Well, that's a good idea, but I think I should probably get him something else, like something he can wear.

좋은 생각이긴 한데 뭔가 입을 수 있는 것을 주고 싶어요.


How about a sweater? I saw a really nice one in the mall the other day. Maybe we can go there and take a look.

스웨터가 어때요? 내가 지난번에 쇼핑몰에서 좋은 스웨터를 본게 있는데 같이 가서 볼래요?


OK, what store was it in?

좋아요, 어느 가게요?


It was at Macy's. I think they're having a sale this weekend.

메이시 백화점이요. 이번 주에 세일을 할 거예요.


Oh, that's a really nice store. I like the clothes there.

아주 좋은 백화점이지요. 저도 거기 옷 좋앙해요.