Snowing outside.
Lesson 85 Level 3
Snowing outside.
밖에 눈이 와요

정상 속도:

느린 속도:

이름 영어 / 한국어 느린 표준

Hey, what have you been doing today?

오늘 뭐 했어요?


Nothing, just watching TV. I'm really bored. I don't have anything to do.

별로요. 그냥 텔레비젼 보고, 조금 지루했어요. 할일이 없어요.


I don't have anything to do either. I didn't do anything today except clean my house.

저도 할일이 없어요. 오늘은 그냥 집 청소만 했어요.


I know. I was planning to go to the mall today with one of my friends, but it snowed so much we couldn't go anywhere.

네, 사실 오늘 내 친구하고 쇼핑하러 기기로 했는데 눈이 와서 갈수 없었어요.


I hope it snows all night because I don't want to go to school tomorrow.

저는 오늘 밤 계속 눈이 왔으면 좋겠어요. 그러면 내일 학교에 가지 않아도 되잖아요.


Do you know anyone who has a camera? I want to take a picture of all this snow.

누구 사진기 있는 사람 알아요? 이 눈 사진 좀 찍고 싶어요.


No, I don't know anyone who has a camera.

아니오, 사진기 있는 사람 몰라요.


Have you seen Sara today? I think she might have one.

오늘 사라씨 보았어요? 아마 사라씨가 있을 거예요.


No, she hasn't been around all day. She said she had something important to do today?

아니오, 하루 종일 안 보였어요. 오늘 중요한 일이 있데요.


Oh, where did she go?

어디에 갔는데요?


Nobody knows. I called her roommate and she doesn't know either.

아무도 몰라요. 사라씨 룸메이트한테 전화했는데 모르더라구요.