Jim cancelled the meeting.
Lesson 78 Level 3
Jim cancelled the meeting.
Jim membatalkan pertemuan

Kecepatan yang normal:

Kecepatan lambat:

Nama Inggris / Bahasa Indonesia Lambat Normal

Hey, I just talked to Jim.

Hai, saya baru saja bicara dengan Jim.

volume_up volume_up

What did he say?

Dia bilang apa?

volume_up volume_up

He said he had to cancel the meeting this afternoon.

Dia bilang kalau dia harus membatalkan pertemuan sore ini.

volume_up volume_up

Oh, I see.

Oh, begitu.

volume_up volume_up

Is there a problem?

Apakah ada masalah?

volume_up volume_up

No, It's not a big deal. He and I were supposed to talk to some new customers today.

Tidak, bukan hal yang besar. Saya dan dia seharusnya berbicara dengan beberapa pelanggan baru hari ini.

volume_up volume_up

Sorry to hear that.


volume_up volume_up

It's OK. This has been happening quite a bit recently.

Tidak apa-apa. Hal ini sering terjadi akhir-akhir ini.

volume_up volume_up

That's strange. I wonder why?

Aneh. Kenapa, ya?

volume_up volume_up

His wife has been sick, so sometimes he has to go home early to take care of her.

Istrinya sedang sakit, jadi kadang-kadang dia harus pulang rumah lebih awal untuk merawat istrinya.

volume_up volume_up

I see. How's work been going?

Oh begitu. Bagaimana pekerjaan?

volume_up volume_up

Things are slow right now. Would you mind if I borrow your phone, mine's out of batteries and I have to call my boss to tell him about this.

Segala sesuatu lambat sekarang. Boleh saya pinjam telepon Anda, telepon saya kehabisan baterei dan saya harus telepon bos untuk melaporkan hal ini.

volume_up volume_up

OK, let me go get it. Its in the car.

Oke, saya ambilkan. Teleponnya ada di mobil.

volume_up volume_up