Visiting family.
Lesson 43 Level 2
Visiting family.
Mengunjungi keluarga

Kecepatan yang normal:

Kecepatan lambat:

Nama Inggris / Bahasa Indonesia Lambat Normal

Judy, your husband has a really nice car.

Judy, suami Anda punya mobil yang bagus sekali.

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Thanks. It's a lot better than mine, and it's new.

Terima kasih. Mobilnya jauh lebih baik dari yang saya punya. Mobilnya baru.

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Where are you going?

Mau ke mana?

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We're going to visit my sister in the city.

Kami mau mengunjungi saudara permpuan saya di kota.

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I didn't know your sister lives in the city, when did she move there?

Saya tidak tahu saudara perempuan Anda tinggal di kota, kapan dia pindah ke sana?

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About a year ago. She lives in an apartment on 3rd street, across from the public library.

Sekitar setahun yang lalu. Dia tinggal di apartemen di jalan "3rd street", di seberang perpustakaan umum.

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I see. It's almost 5:00 PM now, don't you think there will be a lot of traffic?

Oh begitu. Hampir jam lima sore sekarang, bukankah sebentar lagi macet?

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Oh, we're not driving. We're going to take the subway. The subway only takes about 20 minutes.

Oh, kita tidak naik mobil. Kita akan naik subway. Hanya makan waktu sekitar dua puluh menit.

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Yes, but it can be very crowded around this time. I always feel uncomfortable taking the subway.

Ya, tapi bisa ramai sekali pada jam-jam seperti ini. Saya selalu merasa tidak nyaman naik subway.

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I take the subway to work everyday, so I'm used to it now.

Setiap hari saya naik subway ke pekerjaan, jadi saya terbiasa sekarang.

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Doesn't your mother live in the city?

Bukankah ibu Anda tinggal di kota?

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Yes, she's lived there for about ten years.

Ya, dia tinggal di sana selama kira-kira sepuluh tahun.

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I remember when she moved there. Apartments were a lot cheaper then.

Saya ingat waktu dia pindah ke sana. Apartemen-apartemennya masih jauh lebih murah.

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I know what you mean. It's hard to find anything that's reasonable now.

Saya tahu maksud Anda. Sulit mencari sesuatu yang masuk akal/lumayan sekarang.

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Have a good time. Next time you're free, give me a call and we'll go play poker.

Selamat bersenang-senang. Kalau ada waktu bebas, telepon saya, ya, dan kita bisa pergi main poker.

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See you later.

Sampai nanti.

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