I need to do laundry.
Lesson 36 Level 2
I need to do laundry.
Saya perlu mencuci pakaian

Kecepatan yang normal:

Kecepatan lambat:

Nama Inggris / Bahasa Indonesia Lambat Normal

Hi Anna, come in.

Hai Anna, silakan masuk.

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Wow, your apartment is a mess.

Wah, apartemen Anda berantakan.

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I know, I didn't have time to put things away before you got here.

Saya tahu, saya belum sempat beres-beres sebelum Anda datang.

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Look! Are those all your clothes on the couch?

Lihat! Apakah semua di sofa itu pakaian Anda?

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Are they clean?


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Actually most of them are dirty. I haven't done laundry in a while. I usually wait until I can do it at my parent's house.

Sebenarnya hampir semuanya kotor. Saya belum sempat cuci baju. Biasanya saya tunggu sampai saya bisa cuci baju di rumah orang tua saya.

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My sister and I usually go to the laundromat down the street. Why don't you go there?

Saya dan adik saya biasanya pergi ke tempat cuci pakaian di ujung jalan. Kenapa Anda tidak ke sana saja?

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I know I should, but that place isn't very convenient. You have to wait for a long time.

Saya tahu saya harus, tapi tempat itu kurang begitu nyaman. Anda harus menunggu untuk waktu yang lama.

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Yes I know. I have to do it every week. Anyway, are you ready to go?

Ya saya tahu. Saya harus buat itu setiap minggu. Ngomong-ngomong, apakah Anda siap untuk pergi?

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No I'm not ready yet. I still have to brush my teeth and wash my face. Can you wait for a few minutes?

Belum, saya belum siap. Saya masih harus menggosok gigi dan mencuci muka. Bisa tunggu sebentar?

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OK, but please hurry. I think the restaurant is closing soon.

Oke, tapi cepat-cepat, ya. Saya pikir restorannya sebentar lagi tutup.

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