I brought you an apple.
Lesson 76 Level 3
I brought you an apple.
Te he traido una manzana.

Velocidad normal:

Velocidad lenta:

Nombre Inglés / Español Lento Normal

Hey, how did you get here?

Como llegaste aqui?

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I rode my bike.

Monte' en mi bicicleta.

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Are you serious? Why did you do that? I could have picked you up.

En serio? Por que hiciste eso? Podia haber pasado a recogerte.

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That's OK, I didn't want to bother you. I know you don't like to wake up early.

Esta bien.No te queria molestar. Se que no te gusta levantarte temprano.

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That's so nice of you. Aren't you cold?

Que bueno que eres. No tienes frio?

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No, not really. I wore a coat.

No, no mucho. Lleve' un abrigo.

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What's in the bag?

Que hay en la bolsa?

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It's a special type of apple.

Es un tipo especial de manzana.

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Oh. Can I try one? It's very sweet.

Ah. Puedo probar una? Es muy dulce.

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I put sugar on it. These apples are really good. They were only 30 cents each.

Le he puesto azucar. Estas manzanas estan muy ricas. Solo costaron treinta centavos cada una.

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Aren't those more expensive than the ones at the supermarket?

Son mas caras que las del supermercado, no?

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Yeah, they're more expensive, but they taste better.

Si, son mas caras, pero saben mejor.

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Did you buy any other fruit?

Compraste alguna otra fruta?

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Well, besides the apples, I bought oranges and bananas.

Bueno, ademas de las manzanas, compre' naranjas y platanos.

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