名 | 英語 / 日本語 | スロー | ノーマル |
Patrick: |
どう、美味しい? |
Diane: |
It tastes really great. Did you cook it? すごく美味しいわ。パトリックが作ったの? |
Patrick: |
Yes. I made it this afternoon. Would you like some more? うん。今日の午後作ったよ。もっと食べる? |
Diane: |
OK, just a little though. I'm really full. そうね、少しだけ。すごくお腹いっぱいなの。 |
Patrick: |
Oh. Would you like some soup instead? そうだ。代わりにスープにする? |
Diane: |
どんな? |
Patrick: |
Tomato and rice. Have you had that before? トマトとライス。飲んだことある? |
Diane: |
No. This is my first time. How does it taste? ううん。初めて。どんな味? |
Patrick: |
It's good, try it. What do you think? 美味しいよ、飲んでごらん。どう? |
Diane: |
Wow. It is good. Did you make that also? わあ。美味しい。これも自分で作ったの? |
Patrick: |
うん。 |
Diane: |
わあ、本当に料理が上手ね。 |
Patrick: |
Thanks, next time I'll make chicken soup for us. ありがとう。次はチキンスープを作るね。 |
Diane: |
That sounds good. Did you study cooking in school? わあ、いいわね。学校で料理を習ったの? |
Patrick: |
No, I learned by myself. I have a good cook book that I read when I have time. ううん、独学。いい料理の本があって、時間がある時読んでるんだ。 |