900 Crazy English sentences for daily life
Lesson 49
Lesson 49: Horrible Experiences
Pelajaran 49: Pengalaman Mengerikan |
I saw a child begging on the street this morning.
Pagi ini saya melihat seorang anak mengemis di jalan. |
The car hit him right in front of me.
Mobil itu menabraknya tepat di depanku. |
His arm was cut very badly by the fan blade.
Lengannya terluka parah oleh bilah kipas. |
I was once beaten very badly by a robber.
Saya pernah dipukuli habis-habisan oleh perampok. |
After the crash, the doctors had to pick out glass from my leg.
Setelah kecelakaan itu, dokter harus mengambil pecahan kaca dari kaki saya. |
I could hear the child crying all night outside.
Saya bisa mendengar anak itu menangis sepanjang malam di luar. |
Her baby was eaten by wolves.
Bayinya dimakan serigala. |
The fire destroyed our entire house.
Kebakaran itu menghancurkan seluruh rumah kami. |
My aunt’s finger was cut off while she was working in a factory.
Jari bibi saya terputus saat dia bekerja di pabrik. |
The accident left him blind in one eye.
Kecelakaan itu menyebabkan dia buta pada satu matanya. |
I cut myself while fixing the lawnmower.
Aku terluka saat memperbaiki mesin pemotong rumput. |
He was on a business trip and was on his way home when the terrorists killed him.
Dia sedang dalam perjalanan bisnis dan sedang dalam perjalanan pulang ketika teroris membunuhnya. |
It was the single worst terrorist attack that the world has ever seen.
Itu adalah serangan teroris terburuk yang pernah disaksikan dunia. |
I have two broken ribs, and they hurt when I move too much.
Dua tulang rusukku patah, dan terasa sakit jika aku terlalu banyak bergerak. |
I managed to punch one of them, but I couldn’t take on both of them at the same time.
Aku berhasil meninju salah satu di antara mereka, tetapi aku tidak dapat menghadapi mereka berdua di waktu yang bersamaan. |