900 Crazy English sentences for daily life
Lesson 46
Lesson 46: Dangerous Experiences
Pelajaran 46: Pengalaman Berbahaya |
I slipped on some ice and broke my arm.
Aku terpeleset di atas es dan lenganku patah. |
The car accident almost killed my brother.
Kecelakaan mobil itu hampir membunuh saudaraku. |
She almost fell into the tiger cage.
Dia hampir jatuh ke dalam kandang harimau. |
That rock just missed my head.
Batu itu nyaris mengenai kepalaku. |
I almost didn’t see that bus coming.
Saya hampir tidak melihat bus itu datang. |
He’s very lucky to have survived the war.
Dia sangat beruntung bisa selamat dari perang. |
I’m worried about him because he works in a prison.
Saya khawatir padanya karena dia bekerja di penjara. |
Mountain climbing is exciting because it can be dangerous.
Mendaki gunung itu mengasyikkan namun juga berbahaya. |
Steve drives too fast and takes too many risks.
Steve mengemudi terlalu cepat dan mengambil terlalu banyak risiko. |
Ann was in the hospital for six weeks after getting hurt.
Ann dirawat di rumah sakit selama enam minggu setelah terluka. |
I was driving to work when a huge truck ran a red light.
Saya sedang menyetir ke tempat kerja ketika sebuah truk besar menerobos lampu merah. |
I’m sorry you had to go through that.
Saya turut prihatin dengan apa yang Anda alami. |
There were always bombs and gunfire all around us.
Selalu ada bom dan tembakan di sekitar kami. |
My stomach would have been full of butterflies.
Perutku pasti penuh dengan kupu-kupu. |
I’ve never been so scared in my life, and my entire life flashed before my eyes.
Aku belum pernah setakut ini dalam hidupku, dan seluruh hidupku terlintas di depan mataku. |