Come here.
ここに来て -
Does it often snow in the winter in Massachusetts?
マサチューセッツ州では冬によく雪が降りますか。 -
Do you think it'll rain today?
今日雨が降ると思いますか。 -
Do you think it's going to rain tomorrow?
明日雨が降ると思いますか。 -
How's business?
仕事(ビジネス)はどうですか。 -
Is it close?
近い? -
Is it possible?
できる? -
Is it ready?
準備できた? -
It costs 20 dollars per hour.
1時間20ドルかかる。 -
It hurts here.
ここが痛いよ。 -
It's far from here.
ここから遠いよ。 -
It's going to be hot today.
今日は暑くなるでしょう。 -
It's north of here.
それはここより北だよ。 -
It's over there.
それ、あそこだよ。 -
It's raining.
雨がふってる。 -
It's too late.
遅すぎるよ。 -
It's very important.
それ、とても大事だよ。 -
It will arrive shortly.
もうじき着きます。 -
The roads are slippery.
道が滑りやすい。 -
What's the room rate?
部屋代はいくら? -
What will the weather be like tomorrow?