1000 Las frases más comunes Inglés
Ordenar por categoría
A - Z
Expresiones Comunes
Numeros Y Dinero
Horas Y Fechas
Haciendo Amigos
Haciendo La Compra
Emergencias Y Salud
Preguntas Generales
El Tiempo
Sin Categoria
Amy is John's girlfriend.
Amy es la novia de John. -
He always does that for me.
Siempre me ayuda con eso. -
He broke the window.
Ha roto una ventana. -
He doesn't look like a nurse.
No parece una enfermera. -
He has a nice car.
Tiene un buen coche. -
He never gives me anything.
Nunca me da nada. -
He said this is a nice place.
Dijo que esto era un buen sitio. -
He's an American.
Es un Americano. -
He's a very good student.
Es un estudiante muy bueno. -
He's faster than me.
Es mas rapido que yo. -
He thinks we don't want to go.
Piensa que no queremos ir. -
His room is very small.
Su cuarto es muy pequeno. -
His son.
Su hijo. -
How are your parents?
Como estan tus padres? -
How do I use this?
Como uso esto? -
I came with my family.
Vine con mi familia. -
I'd like to exchange this for Dollars.
Queria cambiar esto para dolares. -
I'd like to use the internet
Me gustaria usar el internet. -
I don't have time right now.
No tengo tiempo ahora. -
I don't know.
No lo se. -
I have money.
Tengo dinero. -
I haven't had lunch yet.
Todavia no he comido (almuerzo). -
I have to go to the post office.
Tengo que ir al apartado de correos. -
I like Italian food.
Me gusta la comida italiana. -
I live in California.
Vivo en California. -
I'll talk to you soon.
Te hablero' pronto. -
I made a mistake.
Hice un error. -
I'm bored.
Estoy aburrido. -
I'm going to America next year.
Voy a America el ano que viene. -
I'm going to go have dinner.
Voy a cenar. -
I'm tired.
Estoy cansado. -
I'm very well, thank you.
Estoy muy bien, gracias. -
I need another key.
Necesito otra llave. -
I need this to get there by tomorrow.
Necesito que esto llegue para manana. -
I need to go now.
Necesito irme ahora. -
Is it suppose to rain tomorrow?
Se supone que va a llover manana? -
Is John there please? (phone call)
Esta John por favor? -
Is this a safe area?
Es esto un lugar seguro? -
Is this Mr. Smith?
Es esto el senor Smith? -
Is this the bus to New York?
Esto es el autobus a New York? -
Is this your book?
Esto es tu libro? -
I still have to brush my teeth and take a shower.
Todavia tengo que cepillar mis dientes y tomar una ducha. -
Is your father home?
Esta tu padre en casa? -
I think so.
Creo que si. -
I think those shoes are very good looking.
Creo que esos zapatos son muy bonitos. -
It's very windy.
Hace mucho viento. -
It takes 2 hours by car.
Tarda dos horas en coche. -
I've never done that.
Nunca he hecho eso. -
I've worked there for five years.
He trabajado alli por cinco anos. -
I want to buy something.
Quiero comprar algo. -
I want to contact our embassy.
Quiero contactar a nuestra embajada. -
I want to send this package to the United States.
Quiero enviar este paquete a los Estados Unidos. -
I want to show you something.
Te quiero mostrar algo. -
I went to the supermarket, and then to the computer store.
Fui al supermercado, y despues a la tienda de ordenadores. -
My car isn't working.
Mi coche no esta funcionando. -
Nobody is helping us.
Nadie nos esta ayudando. -
Nobody is there right now.
Nadie esta alli ahora. -
One like that.
Uno como eso. -
Open the door.
Abre la puerta. -
Open the window.
Abre la ventana. -
Pick up your clothes.
Recoge tu ropa. -
Por favor. -
Please count this for me.
Cuenta esto para mi por favor. -
Please tell her John called.
Dila que ha llamado John por favor. -
Please tell me.
Dimelo por favor. -
Please wait for me.
Esperame por favor. -
She's going with me tomorrow.
Viene conmigo manana. -
Some books.
Unos libros. -
Someone does that for me.
Alguien hace eso para mi. -
Someone is coming.
Alguien viene. -
Sorry, I don't have a pencil.
Perdona, no tengo un lapiz. -
Start the car.
Arranca el coche. -
Take me downtown.
Llevame al centro (ciudad). -
Tell him that I need to talk to him.
Dile que tengo que hablar con el. -
That car over there is mine.
El coche de alli es el mio. -
That looks old.
Eso parece viejo. -
That's a good school.
Eso es un buen colegio. -
That's her book.
Eso es su libro. -
That's not enough.
No es bastante. -
The car is fixed.
El coche esta arreglado. -
These books are ours.
Estos libros son nuestros. -
The TV is broken.
La television esta rota. -
They haven't met her yet.
Todavia no la han conocido. -
They're planning to come next year.
Estan planeando para volver el ano que viene. -
They're waiting for us.
Nos estan esperando. -
This room is a mess.
Este cuarto esta desordenado/hecho un lio. -
Those men are speaking English.
Esos hombres estan hablando en ingles. -
What color is that car?
Que color es ese coche? -
What do you think of these shoes?
Que piensas de estas zapatillas? -
When would you like to meet?
Cuando quieres que nos encontremos? -
Where does your wife work?
Donde trabaja tu mujer? -
Where is Main Street?
Donde esta la calle Main? -
Where is my shirt?
Donde esta mi camiseta? -
Where is the bus station?
Donde esta la estacion de autobuses? -
Which road should I take?
Que carretera deberia de tomar? -
You're right.
Tienes razon. -
Your house is very nice.
Tu casa es muy bonita.