1000 Las frases más comunes Inglés

  • And you?
    Y tu?
  • Anything else?
    Algo mas?
  • Are they the same?
    Son iguales?
  • Are you afraid?
    Tienes miedo?
  • Are you going to attend their wedding?
    Vas a asistir a su boda?
  • Are you married?
    Estas casado?
  • Are you okay?
    Estas bien?
  • Are you sick?
    Estas enfermo?
  • Behind the bank.
    Detras del banco.
  • Can I borrow some money?
    Me prestas un poco de dinero?
  • Can I have the bill please?
    Me puedes dar la cuenta por favor?
  • Can you call back later?
    Puedes llamar mas tarde?
  • Can you call me back later?
    Puedes llamarme mas tarde?
  • Can you carry this for me?
    Puedes llevar esto para mi?
  • Can you fix this?
    Puedes arreglar esto?
  • Can you give me an example?
    Me puedes dar un ejemplo?
  • Can you speak louder please?
    Puedes hablar mas alto por favor?
  • Can you swim?
    Puedes nadar?
  • Does he like the school?
    Le gusta la escuela?
  • Do you accept U.S. Dollars?
    Acceptas dolares americanos?
  • Do you have a girlfriend?
    Tienes una novia?
  • Do you have an appointment?
    Tienes un apuntamento?
  • Do you have a problem?
    Tienes un problema?
  • Do you hear that?
    Oyes eso?
  • Do you know how to get to the Marriott Hotel?
    Sabes como llegar al Marriott Hotel?
  • Do you know what this means?
    Sabes lo que significa?
  • Do you know where I can get a taxi?
    Sabes donde puedo ir para coger un taxi?
  • Do you know where my glasses are?
    Sabes donde estan mis gafas?
  • Do you like your co-workers?
    Te caen bien tus companeros de trabajo?
  • Do you need anything else?
    Necesitas algo mas?
  • Do you understand?
  • Give me the pen.
    Dame el boligrafo.
  • How do you know?
    Como lo sabes?
  • How is she?
    Como esta ella?
  • How long is it?
    Cuanto tarda?
  • How many?
  • How much is it?
    Cuanto es?
  • I have a lot of things to do.
    Tengo muchas cosas que hacer.
  • In 30 minutes.
    En treinta minutos.
  • Is anyone else coming?
    Viene alguien mas?
  • Is everything ok?
    Todo esta bien?
  • Is it cold outside?
    Hace frio fuera?
  • Is it far from here?
    Esta lejos de aqui?
  • Is it hot?
    Hace calor?
  • Is it raining?
    Esta lloviendo?
  • Is there anything cheaper?
    Hay algo mas barato?
  • Is your son here?
    Esta tu hijo aqui?
  • Should I wait?
    Deberia esperar?
  • The big one or the small one?
    El grande o el pequeno.
  • The cars are American.
    Los coches son Americanos.
  • Were there any problems?
    Habian algunos problemas?
  • Were you at the library last night?
    Estabas en la biblioteca ayer por la noche?
  • What are you doing?
    Que estas haciendo?
  • What are you thinking about?
    En que estas pensando?
  • What are you two talking about?
    De que estais hablando los dos?
  • What did you do last night?
    Que hiciste anoche?
  • What did you do yesterday?
    Que hiciste ayer?
  • What did you think?
    Que pensaste?
  • What do they study?
    Que estudian?
  • What do you have?
    Que tienes?
  • What do you think?
    Que piensas?
  • What happened?
    Que paso'?
  • What is it?
    Que es?
  • What is that?
    Que es eso?
  • What should I wear?
    Que llevo (ropa)?
  • What's in it?
    Que hay dentro?
  • What's the temperature?
    Cual es la temperatura?
  • What's this?
    Que es esto?
  • What's up?
    Que tal?
  • Where are you from?
    De donde eres?
  • Where can I rent a car?
    Donde puedo alquilar un coche?
  • Where did it happen?
    Donde paso'?
  • Where did you learn it?
    Donde lo aprendiste?
  • Where is he?
    Donde esta?
  • Where is he from?
    De donde es el?
  • Which is better, the spaghetti or chicken salad?
    Cual es mejor, el espagueti o la ensalada de pollo?
  • Which one do you want?
    Cual quieres?
  • Which one is cheaper?
    Cual de esos es mas barato?
  • Which one is the best?
    Cual de esos es el mejor?
  • Which school does he go to?
    A que colegio va?
  • Who are they?
    Quien son?
  • Who are you looking for?
    A quien buscas?
  • Who is it? (Inquiring about who is on the phone)
    Quien es?
  • Who's calling?
    Quien esta llamando?
  • Who's that man over there?
    Quien es ese hombre de alli?
  • Who taught you that?
    Quien te enseno' eso?
  • Why did you say that?
    Por que dijiste eso?
  • Will you pass me the salt please?
    Me pasas la sal por favor?
  • Will you put this in the car for me?
    Puedes meter esto en el coche para mi?
  • Would you ask him to call me back please?
    Le puedes decir que me llame por favor?
  • Yes.
  • You have a very nice car.
    Tienes un coche muy bueno.
  • You look like my sister.
    Te pareces a mi hermana.
Inglés / Español Lento Normal

And you?

Y tu?

Anything else?

Algo mas?

Are they the same?

Son iguales?

Are you afraid?

Tienes miedo?

Are you going to attend their wedding?

Vas a asistir a su boda?

Are you married?

Estas casado?

Are you okay?

Estas bien?

Are you sick?

Estas enfermo?

Behind the bank.

Detras del banco.

Can I borrow some money?

Me prestas un poco de dinero?

Can I have the bill please?

Me puedes dar la cuenta por favor?

Can you call back later?

Puedes llamar mas tarde?

Can you call me back later?

Puedes llamarme mas tarde?

Can you carry this for me?

Puedes llevar esto para mi?

Can you fix this?

Puedes arreglar esto?

Can you give me an example?

Me puedes dar un ejemplo?

Can you speak louder please?

Puedes hablar mas alto por favor?

Can you swim?

Puedes nadar?

Does he like the school?

Le gusta la escuela?

Do you accept U.S. Dollars?

Acceptas dolares americanos?

Do you have a girlfriend?

Tienes una novia?

Do you have an appointment?

Tienes un apuntamento?

Do you have a problem?

Tienes un problema?

Do you hear that?

Oyes eso?

Do you know how to get to the Marriott Hotel?

Sabes como llegar al Marriott Hotel?

Do you know what this means?

Sabes lo que significa?

Do you know where I can get a taxi?

Sabes donde puedo ir para coger un taxi?

Do you know where my glasses are?

Sabes donde estan mis gafas?

Do you like your co-workers?

Te caen bien tus companeros de trabajo?

Do you need anything else?

Necesitas algo mas?

Do you understand?


Give me the pen.

Dame el boligrafo.

How do you know?

Como lo sabes?

How is she?

Como esta ella?

How long is it?

Cuanto tarda?

How many?


How much is it?

Cuanto es?

I have a lot of things to do.

Tengo muchas cosas que hacer.

In 30 minutes.

En treinta minutos.

Is anyone else coming?

Viene alguien mas?

Is everything ok?

Todo esta bien?

Is it cold outside?

Hace frio fuera?

Is it far from here?

Esta lejos de aqui?

Is it hot?

Hace calor?

Is it raining?

Esta lloviendo?

Is there anything cheaper?

Hay algo mas barato?

Is your son here?

Esta tu hijo aqui?

Should I wait?

Deberia esperar?

The big one or the small one?

El grande o el pequeno.

The cars are American.

Los coches son Americanos.

Were there any problems?

Habian algunos problemas?

Were you at the library last night?

Estabas en la biblioteca ayer por la noche?

What are you doing?

Que estas haciendo?

What are you thinking about?

En que estas pensando?

What are you two talking about?

De que estais hablando los dos?

What did you do last night?

Que hiciste anoche?

What did you do yesterday?

Que hiciste ayer?

What did you think?

Que pensaste?

What do they study?

Que estudian?

What do you have?

Que tienes?

What do you think?

Que piensas?

What happened?

Que paso'?

What is it?

Que es?

What is that?

Que es eso?

What should I wear?

Que llevo (ropa)?

What's in it?

Que hay dentro?

What's the temperature?

Cual es la temperatura?

What's this?

Que es esto?

What's up?

Que tal?

Where are you from?

De donde eres?

Where can I rent a car?

Donde puedo alquilar un coche?

Where did it happen?

Donde paso'?

Where did you learn it?

Donde lo aprendiste?

Where is he?

Donde esta?

Where is he from?

De donde es el?

Which is better, the spaghetti or chicken salad?

Cual es mejor, el espagueti o la ensalada de pollo?

Which one do you want?

Cual quieres?

Which one is cheaper?

Cual de esos es mas barato?

Which one is the best?

Cual de esos es el mejor?

Which school does he go to?

A que colegio va?

Who are they?

Quien son?

Who are you looking for?

A quien buscas?

Who is it? (Inquiring about who is on the phone)

Quien es?

Who's calling?

Quien esta llamando?

Who's that man over there?

Quien es ese hombre de alli?

Who taught you that?

Quien te enseno' eso?

Why did you say that?

Por que dijiste eso?

Will you pass me the salt please?

Me pasas la sal por favor?

Will you put this in the car for me?

Puedes meter esto en el coche para mi?

Would you ask him to call me back please?

Le puedes decir que me llame por favor?



You have a very nice car.

Tienes un coche muy bueno.

You look like my sister.

Te pareces a mi hermana.