1000 Las frases más comunes Inglés
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A - Z
Expresiones Comunes
Numeros Y Dinero
Horas Y Fechas
Haciendo Amigos
Haciendo La Compra
Emergencias Y Salud
Preguntas Generales
El Tiempo
Sin Categoria
11 days ago.
Hace once dias. -
2 hours.
Dos horas. -
All day.
Todo el dia. -
A long time ago.
Hace mucho tiempo. -
Are they coming this evening?
Van a venir esta noche? -
Are you comfortable?
Estas comodo? -
Are your children with you?
Estan tus hijos contigo? -
As soon as possible.
Lo mas rapido posible. -
At 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
A las tres de la tarde. -
At 5th street.
A la calle quinta. -
At 7 o'clock at night. (evening)?
A las siete de la tarde/noche -
At 7 o'clock in the morning.
A las siete de la manana. -
At what time did it happen?
A que hora pasó? -
Can I help you?
Te puedo ayudar? -
Do you have a swimming pool?
Tienes una piscina? -
Do you have this in size 11?
Tienes eso en el tamano once? -
Do you think you'll be back by 11:30?
Crees que volveras a las once y media? -
Everyday I get up at 6AM.
Me levanto todos los dias a las seis de la manana. -
Every week.
Cada semana. -
Expiration date.
La fecha de caducidad. -
Have you been waiting long?
Has estado esperando mucho tiempo? -
He'll be back in 20 minutes.
Volvera' en veinte minutos. -
His family is coming tomorrow.
Su familia viene manana. -
How about Saturday?
Y el sabado? -
How long are you going to stay?
Cuanto tiempo te vas a quedar? -
How long are you going to stay in California?
Cuanto tiempo te vas a quedar en California? -
How long will it take?
Cuanto va a tardar? -
How much altogether?
Cuanto todo junto? -
How much will it cost?
Cuanto va a costar? -
I don't have enough money.
No tengo bastante dinero. -
I'm getting ready to go out.
Estoy preparando para salir. -
I'm just looking. (Shopping)
Solo estoy mirando. -
I'm worried too.
Yo tambien estoy preocupado. -
It'll be cold this evening.
Hara' frio esta noche. -
It rained very hard today.
Llovio' fuertemente hoy. -
It's 17 dollars.
Son diecisiete dolares. -
It's 6AM.
Son las sies de la manana. -
It's 8:45.
Son las ocho y cuarenta y cinco. -
It's a quarter to 7.
Son las siete menos cuarto. -
It's going to snow today.
Va a nevar hoy. -
It's here.
Esta aqui. -
It's there.
Esta alli. -
I've already seen it.
Ya lo he visto. -
John is going on vacation tomorrow.
John se va de vacaciones manana. -
My birthday is August 27th.
Mi cumpleanos es el ventisiete de Agosto. -
Now or later?
Ahora o mas tarde? -
October 22nd.
El ventidos de Octubre. -
She wants to know when you're coming.
Quiere saber cuando vas a venir. -
Sometimes I go to sleep at 11PM, sometimes at 11:30PM.
A veces me voy a dormir a las once, otras veces a las once y media. -
There's plenty of time.
Hay mucho tiempo. -
The whole day.
El dia entero. -
We're late.
Estamos retrasados. -
What day are they coming over?
Que dia van a venir aqui? -
What day of the week is it?
Que dia de la semana es? -
What is today's date?
Cual es la fecha de hoy? -
What's your religion?
Cual es tu religion? -
What time are they arriving?
A que hora van a llegar? -
What time did you get up?
A que hora te levantaste? -
What time did you go to sleep?
A que hora te fuiste a dormir? -
What time did you wake up?
A que hora te despertaste? -
What time does it start?
A que hora empieza? -
What time do you think you'll arrive?
A que hora crees que vas a llegar? -
What time is it?
Que hora es? -
When are they coming?
Cuando vienen? -
When are you coming back?
Cuando vas a volver? -
When are you going to pick up your friend?
Cuando vas a recoger a tu amigo? -
When are you leaving?
Cuando te vas? -
When are you moving?
Cuando te vas a mudar? -
When is the next bus to Philidalphia?
Cuando es el proximo autobus a Philadelphia? -
When is your birthday?
Cuando es tu cumpleanos? -
When I went to the store, they didn't have any apples.
Cuando fui a la tienda, no tenian manzanas. -
When was the last time you talked to your mother?
Cuando era la ultima vez que hablaste con tu madre? -
When will he be back?
Cuando va a volver? -
When will it be ready?
Cuando estara' listo? -
Where are you going to go?
A donde vas a ir?