1000 Paling Umum English Phrases
Urutkan berdasarkan kategori
A - Z
Ekspresi-ekspresi umum
Perjalanan, arah
Angka dan uang
Lokasi / Tempat
Jam dan tanggal
Kesulitan komunikasi
Kata kerja
Across from the post office.
Di seberang kantor pos. -
At 3 o'clock.
Jam tiga. -
Be quiet.
Harap tenang. -
Can you recommend a good restaurant?
Apakah Anda bisa menyarankan restorang yang baik? -
Here it is.
Ini dia. -
Here you are.
Ini dia. -
He's in the kitchen.
Dia di dapur. -
He studies at Boston University.
Dia kuliah di Universitas Boston. -
How far is it?
Berapa jauh? -
How far is it to Chicago?
Berapa jauh dari Chicago? -
How many miles is it to Pennsylvania?
Berapa mil ke Pennsylvania? -
I'd like a single room.
Saya mau ruangan single. -
I like to watch TV.
Saya suka menonton TV -
It's delicious!
Enak! / Lezat! -
It's half past 11.
Jam setengah dua belas. -
It's less than 5 dollars.
Kurang dari lima dolar. -
It's more than 5 dollars.
Lebih banyak dari lima dolar. -
It's near the Supermarket.
Dekat Supermarket. -
it's not suppose to rain today.
Seharusnya tidak hujan hari ini. -
It's ok.
Tidak apa-apa. -
It's on 7th street.
Di jalan "7th" -
It's really hot.
Benar-benar panas. -
It's suppose to rain tomorrow.
Seharusnya hujan besok. -
I was going to the library.
Saya akan ke perpustakaan. -
I was in the library.
Saya di perpustakaan. -
Let's go.
Ayo kita pergi. -
Mungkin. -
More than 200 miles.
Lebih dari dua ratus mil. -
My house is close to the bank.
Rumah saya dekat dengan bank -
Near the bank.
Dekat bank -
On the left.
Sebelah kiri -
On the right.
Sebelah kanan -
On the second floor.
Di lantai dua -
Outside the hotel.
Di luar hotel -
Over here.
Sebelah sini -
Over there.
Sebelah sana -
The book is behind the table.
Bukunya berada dibelakang meja -
The book is in front of the table.
Bukunya berada di depan meja -
The book is near the table.
Bukunya berada dekat meja -
The book is next to the table.
Buknya berada disamping meja -
The book is on top of the table.
Bukunya ada diatas meja -
There are some books on the table.
Ada beberapa buku di atas meja -
There's a book under the table.
Ada buku dibawah meja -
We're from California.
Kami dari California -
What's the address?
Alamatnya apa? -
Where are you going?
Anda mau kemana? -
Where is it?
Dimana? -
Where would you like to go?
Kemana anda mau pergi? -
Who won?
Siapa yang menang?