1000 Paling Umum English Phrases

  • Can I have a glass of water please?
    Apakah saya boleh minta segelas air?
  • Can I use your phone?
    Apakah saya boleh gunakan teleponnya?
  • Do you have any vacancies?
    Apakah Anda punya lowongan?
  • Do you have the number for a taxi?
    Apakah Anda punya nomor telepon taksi?
  • Do you know her?
    Anda tahu dia?
  • Do you know where she is?
    Anda tahu di mana dia?
  • Do you play basketball?
    Apakah Anda bermain basket?
  • Fill it up, please. (gas station)
    Tolong diisi.
  • He needs some new clothes.
    Dia perlu beberapa pakaian baru.
  • How much is that?
    Itu harganya berapa?
  • How much is this?
    Ini harganya berapa?
  • I believe you.
    Saya percaya Anda.
  • I'd like the number for the Hilton Hotel please.
    Bisa saya minta nomor Hotel Hilton?
  • I'd like to buy a phone card please.
    Saya mau membeli kartu telepon.
  • I'd like to go home.
    Saya mau pulang.
  • I'd like to go shopping.
    Saya mau berbelanja.
  • If you like it I can buy more.
    Kalau Anda suka, saya bisa beli lebih banyak.
  • I'm a beginner.
    Saya seorang pemula.
  • I'm full.
    Saya kenyang.
  • I'm just kidding.
    Saya hanya becanda.
  • I'm single.
    Saya lajang.
  • I speak two languages.
    Saya berbicara dua bahasa.
  • I thought he said something else.
    Saya pikir dia bilang sesuatu yang lain.
  • It's not too far.
    Tidak terlalu jauh.
  • I usually drink coffee at breakfast.
    Saya biasanya minum kopi waktu sarapan.
  • Sorry, we don't have any.
    Maaf kami tidak punya
  • The books are expensive.
    Buku itu mahal
  • Try it on.
  • What do you want to buy?
    Apa yang anda mau beli?
  • What size?
  • What time does the store open?
    Jam berapa tokonya buka?
  • When does the plane arrive?
    Kapan pesawatnya tiba?
  • Where are you?
    Anda ada dimana?
  • Would you like something to eat?
    Apa anda ingin makan?
Inggris / Bahasa Indonesia Lambat Normal

Can I have a glass of water please?

Apakah saya boleh minta segelas air?

Can I use your phone?

Apakah saya boleh gunakan teleponnya?

Do you have any vacancies?

Apakah Anda punya lowongan?

Do you have the number for a taxi?

Apakah Anda punya nomor telepon taksi?

Do you know her?

Anda tahu dia?

Do you know where she is?

Anda tahu di mana dia?

Do you play basketball?

Apakah Anda bermain basket?

Fill it up, please. (gas station)

Tolong diisi.

He needs some new clothes.

Dia perlu beberapa pakaian baru.

How much is that?

Itu harganya berapa?

How much is this?

Ini harganya berapa?

I believe you.

Saya percaya Anda.

I'd like the number for the Hilton Hotel please.

Bisa saya minta nomor Hotel Hilton?

I'd like to buy a phone card please.

Saya mau membeli kartu telepon.

I'd like to go home.

Saya mau pulang.

I'd like to go shopping.

Saya mau berbelanja.

If you like it I can buy more.

Kalau Anda suka, saya bisa beli lebih banyak.

I'm a beginner.

Saya seorang pemula.

I'm full.

Saya kenyang.

I'm just kidding.

Saya hanya becanda.

I'm single.

Saya lajang.

I speak two languages.

Saya berbicara dua bahasa.

I thought he said something else.

Saya pikir dia bilang sesuatu yang lain.

It's not too far.

Tidak terlalu jauh.

I usually drink coffee at breakfast.

Saya biasanya minum kopi waktu sarapan.

Sorry, we don't have any.

Maaf kami tidak punya

The books are expensive.

Buku itu mahal

Try it on.


What do you want to buy?

Apa yang anda mau beli?

What size?


What time does the store open?

Jam berapa tokonya buka?

When does the plane arrive?

Kapan pesawatnya tiba?

Where are you?

Anda ada dimana?

Would you like something to eat?

Apa anda ingin makan?