1000 개 가장 일반적인 영어 문구

  • Are you here alone?
    혼자 왔어요?
  • Can I bring my friend?
    제 친구를 데려와도 돼요?
  • Can I have a receipt please?
    영수증 좀 주세요
  • Can it be cheaper?
    더 싸게 해 주세요
  • Can we have a menu please.
    메뉴 좀 보여 주세요
  • Can you hold this for me?
    이것 좀 잡아 주세요
  • Do you have any children?
    자녀가 있어요?
  • Do you know how much it costs?
    이게 얼마인지 알아요?
  • Have you eaten at that restaurant?
    그 식당에서 먹어 본적 있어요?
  • Have you eaten yet?
  • Have you ever had Potato soup?
    감자탕 먹어 보았어요?
  • He likes juice but he doesn't like milk
    그는 쥬스는 좋아하지만 우유는 별로 좋아하지 않아요
  • Here is your salad.
    여기 샐러드 있습니다.
  • Here's your order.
    여기 주문하신 것 입니다.
  • How does it taste?
    어떤 맛이에요?
  • How many people? (restaurant)
    몇 분이세요?
  • I agree.
    동의 해요
  • I'd like a table near the window.
    창문 옆 자리를 주세요
  • I'd like to call the United States.
    미국에 전화 하고 싶어요
  • I haven't been there.
    거기에 안 가 보았어요
  • I haven't finished eating.
    아직 다 못 먹었어요
  • I like it.
    그것을 좋아해요
  • I'll give you a call.
    전화 할게요
  • I'll have a cup of tea please.
    차 한잔 할게요
  • I'll have a glass of water please.
    물 한 잔 주세요
  • I'm from America.
    미국에서 왔어요
  • I'm going to bed.
    잘 거예요
  • I'm here on business.
    여기에 일 때문에 왔어요
  • I'm sorry.
  • I only have 5 dollars.
    5불 밖에 없어요
  • I think I need to see a doctor.
    병원에 가야 할 것 같아요
  • It's August 25th.
    팔월 이십 오일이에요
  • I understand.
  • June 3rd.
    유월 삼일
  • The food was delicious.
    이 음식이 맛이 있어요
  • There are some apples in the refrigerator.
    냉장고에 사과가 있어요
  • There's a restaurant near here.
    여기 근처에 식당이 있어요
  • There's a restaurant over there, but I don't think it's very good.
    거기에 식당이 있는데 별로 맛이 없어요
  • Waiter!
  • Waitress!
  • We can eat Italian or Chinese food.
    우리는 이태리 음식이나 중국 음식을 먹을 수 있어요
  • We'll have two glasses of water please.
    물 두 잔 좀 주세요
  • What are you going to have?
    뭘 드실 거예요?
  • What do you recommend?
    뭘 추천 하시겠어요?
  • What's your email address?
    이메일이 뭐예요?
  • What would you like to drink?
    뭐 마시고 싶어요?
  • What would you like to eat?
    뭐 드시고 싶어요?
  • Where is an ATM?
    현금 인출기가 어디 있어요?
  • Where is there a doctor who speaks English?
    영어를 할 수 있는 의사가 어디에 있어요?
  • Which one?
    어떤 것?
  • Would you ask him to come here?
    여기 오라고 이야기 해 주세요
  • Would you like a glass of water?
    물 한 잔 드시겠어요?
  • Would you like coffee or tea?
    커피 드시겠어요 아니면 차 드시겠어요?
  • Would you like something to drink?
    뭐 좀 마시겠어요?
  • Would you like some water?
    물 좀 드시겠어요?
  • Would you like some wine?
    포도주 한 잔 드세요
  • Would you like to go for a walk?
    산책 좀 하시겠어요?
  • Would you like to watch TV?
    텔레비젼 보시겠어요?
영어 / 한국어 느린 표준

Are you here alone?

혼자 왔어요?

Can I bring my friend?

제 친구를 데려와도 돼요?

Can I have a receipt please?

영수증 좀 주세요

Can it be cheaper?

더 싸게 해 주세요

Can we have a menu please.

메뉴 좀 보여 주세요

Can you hold this for me?

이것 좀 잡아 주세요

Do you have any children?

자녀가 있어요?

Do you know how much it costs?

이게 얼마인지 알아요?

Have you eaten at that restaurant?

그 식당에서 먹어 본적 있어요?

Have you eaten yet?


Have you ever had Potato soup?

감자탕 먹어 보았어요?

He likes juice but he doesn't like milk

그는 쥬스는 좋아하지만 우유는 별로 좋아하지 않아요

Here is your salad.

여기 샐러드 있습니다.

Here's your order.

여기 주문하신 것 입니다.

How does it taste?

어떤 맛이에요?

How many people? (restaurant)

몇 분이세요?

I agree.

동의 해요

I'd like a table near the window.

창문 옆 자리를 주세요

I'd like to call the United States.

미국에 전화 하고 싶어요

I haven't been there.

거기에 안 가 보았어요

I haven't finished eating.

아직 다 못 먹었어요

I like it.

그것을 좋아해요

I'll give you a call.

전화 할게요

I'll have a cup of tea please.

차 한잔 할게요

I'll have a glass of water please.

물 한 잔 주세요

I'm from America.

미국에서 왔어요

I'm going to bed.

잘 거예요

I'm here on business.

여기에 일 때문에 왔어요

I'm sorry.


I only have 5 dollars.

5불 밖에 없어요

I think I need to see a doctor.

병원에 가야 할 것 같아요

It's August 25th.

팔월 이십 오일이에요

I understand.


June 3rd.

유월 삼일

The food was delicious.

이 음식이 맛이 있어요

There are some apples in the refrigerator.

냉장고에 사과가 있어요

There's a restaurant near here.

여기 근처에 식당이 있어요

There's a restaurant over there, but I don't think it's very good.

거기에 식당이 있는데 별로 맛이 없어요





We can eat Italian or Chinese food.

우리는 이태리 음식이나 중국 음식을 먹을 수 있어요

We'll have two glasses of water please.

물 두 잔 좀 주세요

What are you going to have?

뭘 드실 거예요?

What do you recommend?

뭘 추천 하시겠어요?

What's your email address?

이메일이 뭐예요?

What would you like to drink?

뭐 마시고 싶어요?

What would you like to eat?

뭐 드시고 싶어요?

Where is an ATM?

현금 인출기가 어디 있어요?

Where is there a doctor who speaks English?

영어를 할 수 있는 의사가 어디에 있어요?

Which one?

어떤 것?

Would you ask him to come here?

여기 오라고 이야기 해 주세요

Would you like a glass of water?

물 한 잔 드시겠어요?

Would you like coffee or tea?

커피 드시겠어요 아니면 차 드시겠어요?

Would you like something to drink?

뭐 좀 마시겠어요?

Would you like some water?

물 좀 드시겠어요?

Would you like some wine?

포도주 한 잔 드세요

Would you like to go for a walk?

산책 좀 하시겠어요?

Would you like to watch TV?

텔레비젼 보시겠어요?