actually
again
almost
already
alright
also
always
and
angry
animal
another
anything
are
at
bad
badly
because
beginner
beside
best
better
big
bird
black
blue
book
both
brown
but
carefully
cat
certainly
chance
clean
common
complete
correct
could
cow
custom
dangerous
definitely
did
different
difficult
dirty
disturb
done
door
dream
duck
easy
electric
electricity
embarrassed
empty
enough
every
everything
example
excellent
excuse
extremely
fact
fat
flag
flat
for
found
from
funny
future
garbage
goat
good
grass
green
happy
has
heavy
her's
herself
high
himself
his
history
hole
holiday
hope
horse
idea
if
important
impossible
impressive
inch
is
it
joke
king
lamp
law
lay
lazy
life
light
little
long
low
luck
male
match
matter
maybe
me
metal
might
mine
more
most
much
must
my
necessary
never
new
newspaper
nice
no
noisy
normal
not
note
notebook
nothing
odor
of
oil
ok
old
only
orange
ordinary
original
other
our
ours
ourselves
paper
part
pattern
pencil
perhaps
person
photograph
place
plant
pleasant
poor
possible
possibly
pretty
probably
quick
quickly
quiet
really
red
rock
rope
round
rule
sad
same
score
sentence
she
short
shoulder
simple
sir
skirt
slow
slower
slowly
small
smart
some
someone
something
sorry
so-so
strong
student
stupid
tail
tall
tape
test
than
that
their
theirs
them
themselves
then
these
they
thick
thin
thing
this
those
thought
tiny
told
toy
trash
tree
triangle
true
truth
ugly
us
useful
very
voice
vowel
wall
war
we
weak
well
wheel
white
whose
wide
window
with
without
woman
worse
worst
wrong
yellow
yes
yet
you
young
your
yours
yourself
yourselves