900 basic sentences crazy english

Lesson 29

Lesson 29: Asking The Way.

Pelajaran 29: Menanyakan arah.

421. I’m looking for 524 Maryland Avenue.

Saya mencari 524 Maryland Avenue.

422. It’s about one mile over that way.

Jaraknya sekitar satu mil.

423. Could you tell me how to get there?

Bisakah Anda memberi tahu saya cara menuju ke sana?

424. For how long should I walk?

Berapa lama saya harus berjalan?

425. Then you take a right on Fulton.

Anda kemudian belok kanan ke Fulton.

426. What’s the fastest way to Belton Street?

Apa rute tercepat ke Belton Street?

427. Do you know how to get to the stadium?

Apakah Anda tahu cara menuju ke stadion?

428. Is there a road with less traffic on it?

Apakah ada jalan yang lalu lintasnya sedikit?

429. My house is two doors down from the Post Office.

Rumah saya berjarak dua pintu dari Kantor Pos.

430. The bus station will be on your left.

Halte bus ada di sebelah kiri Anda.

431. Which way is north?

Ke arah mana utara?

432. Is this the way to the police station?

Apakah ini jalan menuju kantor polisi?

433. What street is this?

Jalan apa ini?

434. Do you know where the zoo is?

Tahukah kamu di mana letak kebun binatangnya?

435. Is this the east gate of the park?

Apakah ini gerbang timur taman?

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